Quick jump:
What are Adopted and Captured pokemon?
What does AC/CC stand for?
Why do so many topics have game tags?
What do I have to do in order to get a pokemon?
How do I know if my pokemon is adopted or captured?
What kind of money is there and how can I get it?
What does it take to post at the Battle Range/Battle Arena/Eevee House/etc.?
When I post a story at the Battle Range or at a tournament, would my pokemon get their levels straight away or would the story need to be confirmed first?
If I adopt/capture a pokemon, what moves will it know?
Can my pokemon learn more than 4 moves?
Can my pokemon have different colors than the standard ones?
Do stats matter here?
Do you keep track of everyone's pokemon info?
What if I lose the info on my pokemon?
I disappeared for quite a while, are my Pokemon still eligible for use?
Can I use pokemon from my GameBoy games/ASB/other pokemon from elsewhere/make up my own pokemon?
Can I give my pokemon nicknames?
What if the pokemon was abandoned and already had a nickname?
Can I call a genderless pokemon 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it'?
Can I make a website for my pokemon?
Should I put my pokemon in my sig?
How are a pokemon's trait/ability and bred-on move determined?
So, when I pick one of the breeding moves, is there no way in hell that I can get another one?
What's the TM Compatibilities list for?
Can any moves from the TM compatibility list be used as bred-on moves?
Do all pokemon get a bred-on move?
At which levels do pokemon learn moves?
What moves can be used as free TMs, then?
Do evolved pokemon learn the same moves as their pre-evolutions?
Are Dream World moves and abilities allowed?
Are Pokemon Box/Pokemon Center/event moves allowed?
Are Pokemon XD moves allowed?
Can the TMs and items from this forum be used on both adopted and captured pokemon?
Can the TMs we buy or receive at the Goldenrod Tower be used on more than one pokemon?
Can any item be attached to any pokemon?
How are the Status Dice, Stat Modification Dice and Status Coins used?
On multiple battles, do the dice affect all opponents or just one of them?
And what about Quick Claws?
Why can't we take captured pokemon to the Battle Range or adopted pokemon to the Battle Arena?
How does Hidden Power work?
And what about Return and Frustration?
Are moves divided in Physical and Special like in DP?
Some old moves have changed in the latest games. How do they work in AC/CC now?
Will there be more tournaments for adopted or captured pokemon?
Can I create my own items or scenarios for the Battle Range/Battle Arena?
Some other member has posted a question at one of the topics. Can I answer it?
Is there anything else I need to know?
Q: What are Adopted and Captured pokemon?
A: You can find the answer to this an all other basic questions about this forum on the rules topic.
Q: What does AC/CC stand for?
A: AC = Adoption Center. CC = Capture Center. We also use the acronym AC/CC to refer to this forum.
Q: Why do so many topics have game tags?
A: So that people who are new to the forum can easily recognize them as games (the system was adopted when this was a subforum of PCG, now known as GGG). You'll also notice at least one club and a few sub-games (topics that are parts of larger games).
Q: What do I have to do in order to get a pokemon?
A: If you want an adopted pokemon, just go to either adoption center and look at the latest list of available pokemon. Then ask for one that hasn't been adopted yet and a worker will give it to you when s/he sees your post. If it's your first time adopting, you can pick a level 5 pokemon of your choice as your starter, as long as it's not evolved, legendary or Dratini (basic pokemon that have an optional baby form are allowed).
If you want a captured pokemon, post at a capture center and a worker will guide you.
Alternatively, you can request either and adopted pokemon or a captured pokemon to be bred for you. If that's what you want, go to Pocket Monsters Breeding Center and select the 2 pokemon you'd like as the parents from the available pokemon list.
Q: How do I know if my pokemon is adopted or captured?
A: It depends on how you obtained it. If you got it at an Adoption Center or tournament, it's adopted. If you got it at a Capture Center, it's captured. If you got it at the Pocket Monsters Breeding Center, then it is whatever its parents are.
Q: What kind of money is there and how can I get it?
A: Adoption Centers have stamps, and Capture Centers have CCP (Capture Center Points). You can get them by writing battles at the Battle Range or Battle Arena, winning games, as Mystery gifts at the Goldenrod Tower, by selling items (also at the Goldenrod Tower), or by helping other members. You can also give them to (or receive them from) other players as gifts or as a part of a trade.
Q: What does it take to post at the Battle Range/Battle Arena/Eevee House/etc.?
A: All you need for most of those topics is an adopted or captured pokemon, which you can get at the respective topics. You can post at the Eevee House or Expedia even without them, but you'll miss some of the fun. Some games don't even require that you have pokemon with you. Check the topics to know the specific details about each of them, but basically anyone can post.
Q: When I post a story at the Battle Range or at a tournament, would my pokemon get their levels straight away or would the story need to be confirmed first?
A: Well, most battles are valid these days, so you can assume your pokemon got the levels. If for some reason the battle is invalid, those levels will go back until it's properly edited.
Q: If I adopt/capture a pokemon, what moves will it know?
A: For new pokemon: all the moves it would have learnt by its level in each GameBoy/GBA/DS game, plus a compatible bred-on move if applicable, plus the extra TM moves listed on its description at the Adoption Center if any. If the pokemon is level 10 or above, it also gets a free compatible TM from any of the GameBoy/GBA/DS games.
For abandoned pokemon: the moves listed on its description at the Adoption Center.
Q: Can my pokemon learn more than 4 moves?
A: Yes, they can. When an adopted or captured pokemon learns a move, it stays in the pokemon's moveset for life. So a pokemon may know as many moves as it gets to learn.
Q: Can my pokemon have different colors than the standard ones?
A: Not unless the worker who gave you your pokemon said so. But you can buy juices to change its color.
Q: Do stats matter here?
A: Yes, but we don't bother much with IVs and EVs. A few pokemon have a high IV on one stat, and that's it. The rest is determined using the base stats.
Q: Do you keep track of everyone's pokemon info?
A: No. Many of us have a good memory, so we have a general idea of what pokemon everyone has, but we don't keep track of everyone's details, so we strongly recommend that you make a post at the database, or at the very least keep them safe on a file in your computer, or at some place where they won't get lost.
Q: What if I lose the info on my pokemon?
A: Unless you can find it somehow, you will have to start over. That's why it's important to keep your info up to date.
Q: I disappeared for quite a while, are my Pokemon still eligible for use?
A: As long as you still have their info, your pokemon are still there for you to train them.
Q: Can I use pokemon from my GameBoy games/ASB/other pokemon from elsewhere/make up my own pokemon?
A: No, only pokemon acquired on this forum.
Q: Can I give my pokemon nicknames?
A: Yes, you can. Actually, it's a common practice here. 
Q: What if the pokemon was abandoned and already had a nickname?
A: You may keep that name, or change it if the pokemon's previous trainer allows it.
Q: Can I call a genderless pokemon 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it'?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: Can I make a website for my pokemon?
A: That's always a good idea. Just make sure to keep it up to date and link to it on the database. Of course, you can always just post your pokemon, stamps/CCPs and items on the database.
Q: Should I put my pokemon in my sig?
A: That's your choice.
Q: How are a pokemon's trait/ability and bred-on move type determined?
A: If it's a newly adopted pokemon, you can choose among the options available for that pokemon. You have time to choose until your pokemon's first battle (or its introduction in a story or Eevee House post, whatever comes first). After that, the choice is set.
For abandoned pokemon and pokemon obtained through breeding, the workers will let you know what their traits and bred-on moves are. Newborn pokemon inherit their mother's original trait (the trait she was born with); unless the mother is a Ditto, in which case they get their father's original trait. Pokemon get their bred-on move from their father, as long as he has any compatible moves. Moves that can be learned by levelling up are not available as bred-on moves.
Q: So, when I pick one of the breeding moves, is there no way in hell that I can get another one?
A: Not easily. You may get one at the EMT (at the Goldenrod Tower) but it's a matter of luck.
Q: What's the TM Compatibilities list for?
A: It's for TMs you can acquire on this forum, but not in the games. If you get a TM at the Goldenrod Tower, or are planning to buy one at the Reward Center or the Kiosk, refer to that list to know which of your pokemon can learn it.
Q: Can any moves from the TM compatibility list be used as bred-on moves?
A: No, only the ones listed on the "Bred-on Moves" section. And any of the Bred-on moves, TMs, HMs or Move Tutor moves your pokemon can learn in the GameBoy/GBA/DS games. The moves from the list can, however, be passed on by breeding at the Pocket Monsters Breeding Center.
Q: Do all pokemon get a bred-on move?
A: Only newly adopted/captured pokemon (who haven't had a previous trainer and have never battled before). And even among those, only gendered pokemon who can learn moves through breeding/TMs/HMs in the games. Genderless pokemon don't get bred-on moves.
Q: At which levels do pokemon learn moves?
A: At the earliest level they'd learn them on whatever game they can (note that egg moves count as possible bred-on moves, not as level 1 moves). And you can also give your pokemon a free TM, HM or Move Tutor (from any GameBoy/GBC/GBA/DS game, but not from the TM Compatibilities list) whenever they reach a level that's a multiple of 10. And you can also buy TMs for them or give them EMT TMs (from the Goldenrod Tower) at any moment. Moves that evolved pokemon get at level 1 in the games are learnt upon evolution.
Q: What moves can be used as free TMs, then?
A: Any TM, HM or Move Tutor the pokemon can use in any GB/GBC/GBA/DS game, and only those.
Q: Do evolved pokemon learn the same moves as their pre-evolutions?
A: Evolved pokemon learn the same moves as their unevolved versions, plus the new ones. For example, Metapod can't learn Confusion, but Butterfree can. Moves are learnt at the same level as the pokemon would learn them in the games. For moves only unevolved pokemon can learn, evolved pokemon will learn them at the same levels as their pre-evolutions.
Q: Are Dream World moves and abilities allowed?
A: Dream World moves are allowed as bred-on moves. As for Dream World abilities, they are allowed but only one per trainer (this restriction doesn't hold when receiving Pokemon from another trainer, only when adopting or capturing).
Q: Where it says "only when adopting or capturing", do you mean only on the day you adopted or captured the Pokemon?
A: Yes, I do mean that. Or if you're undecided it can be at a later day, but before the Pokemon's first battle (just like with any other ability).
Q: Are Pokemon Box/Pokemon Center/event moves allowed?
A: They are only allowed if you have the TM. They are not eligible as bred-on moves, nor as free, multiple of 10 TMs.
Q: Are Pokemon XD moves allowed?
A: Yes, but only as bred-on moves or buyable/EMT TMs. Not as free, multiple of 10 TMs. Check the Special Moves on this page to see what these moves are, and which pokemon can learn them.
Q: Can the TMs and items from this forum be used on both adopted and captured pokemon?
A: If they come from the Goldenrod Tower or Expedia, then yes. If they come from the Reward Center, they can only be used on Adopted Pokemon. If they come from the Kiosk, only on Captured Pokemon.
Q: Can the TMs we buy or receive at the Goldenrod Tower be used on more than one pokemon?
A: No, just one pokemon per TM. It would really break the game if we allowed them to be used indefinitely. The same holds for HMs and Tutor moves, there's no distinction here among them.
Q: Can any item be attached to any pokemon?
A: No. Use your common sense for this. Earrings can be worn only by pokemon who have ears, Collars by pokemon who have a neck, and so on. If you're unsure of whether your pokemon can use an item or not, ask an AC/CC worker.
Q: How are the Status Dice, Stat Modification Dice and Status Coins used?
A: You attach them to a pokemon, just like with any other item, and use them at some point during the battle. Your pokemon can attack on the same turn the item is used.
Q: On multiple battles, do the dice affect all opponents or just one of them?
A: They affect only one opponent. You can choose which one at the moment you roll the die.
Q: And what about Quick Claws?
A: They let the wearer attack first with a 20% chance. We've found a lot of contradicting information on how it works in the games, so we've set a fixed ratio for this forum.
You'll find more info on how attached items work at the GS Mode Tutorial. It also explains how pokemon battles work on this forum.
Q: Why can't we take captured pokemon to the Battle Range or adopted pokemon to the Battle Arena?
A: Those topics have different storylines. It would be like mixing two worlds, and then the entire universe could collapse. Believe me, you don't want that. 
Q: How does Hidden Power work?
A: On this forum, Hidden Power is always used with a base power of 60. Your pokemon can get Hidden Power as a TM or as a bred-on move, just like with all other TMs. When your pokemon learns Hidden Power, you - as a player - can choose its type (or roll a 16-sided die to determine it randomly). From then on, that will be the type of that pokemon's Hidden Power. (If you give one of your pokemon a Hidden Power TM, you must state what type it is. No pokemon can change the type of their Hidden Power.) In-story, however, the type depends on the individual Pokemon and is not anyone's choice. As for how to describe it in your stories, that's up to you, but reading other people's stories can help you with that.
Q: And what about Return and Frustration?
A: That depends on the Pokemon. As a player, you can decide how happy your Pokemon are (please make it consistent with your stories).
Q: Are moves divided into Physical and Special?
A: Yes.
Q: Some old moves have changed in the latest games. How do they work in AC/CC now?
A: Moves work in the same way as in the latest games. However, reasonable concessions can be made when writing a story, as Pokemon aren't stationary when they battle and may also use the environment to their advantage. As a simple example, a Pokemon may hide behind a tree to evade an attack, and Pokemon can run/fly/swim and chase each other, rather than having to switch places with their partners in order to reach distant targets in a multiple battle.
Q: Will there be more tournaments for adopted or captured pokemon?
A: Most probably yes (if there isn't one at the moment). As for when, only time will tell. You can even host your own tournament with authorization of the AC/CC workers (AC workers for an adopted pokemon tournament or CC workers for a captured pokemon tournament). Just remember that hosting a tournament takes time, effort and a lot of dedication. You must be willing to give all of this if you want to host one, and give the workers the specific details on how the tournament would work and what the prizes would be.
Q: Can I create my own items or scenarios for the Battle Range/Battle Arena?
A: Yes, you can, but don't post them yourself. Send your ideas to a worker, so that s/he can validate it (verify it makes sense) and decide when it is a good time to post it. Your cooperation is always welcome and will be rewarded.
Q: Some other member has posted a question at one of the topics. Can I answer it?
A: Yes, as long as you know what the right answer is. Otherwise you'll only cause more confusion.
Q: Is there anything else I need to know?
A: Common sense. Make sure you've read the rules of this forum, and of any topics you decide to post in. Don't be afraid to ask the mods or workers if you have any questions that are not answered here. Your questions may even contribute to this FAQ, so by asking them you can help future members as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for making the forum better with your presence. Have fun!