Lady Vulpix
Elite Trainer
Member # 3951 |
23-11-2001 12:36 PM    
These are my pokemon:
Group A (level 77):
(Ninetales): knows Ember - Tail Whip - Quick Attack - Will-O-Wisp - Fire Blast - Safeguard - Headbutt - Roar - Confuse Ray - Imprison - Flamethrower - Iron Tail - Grudge - Fire Spin - Dig - Double Team - Hidden Power: Ghost - Mimic - Teleport - Crunch - Slash - Toxic - Charm - Flame Wheel - Odor Sleuth - Captivate - Extrasensory - Dark Pulse - Dark Void - Payback - Shadow Sneak - Inferno - Body Slam.
Trait: Flash Fire (Activated by receiving a Fire type attack. Once activated, Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage. Immune to damage from Fire-type attacks).
Attached Item: Pokemon Collar
(Dragonite): knows Wrap - Thunder Wave - Ice Beam - Surf - Dragon Rage
- Tempest - Fly - Slam - Thunder - Agility - Rain Dance - Safeguard - Outrage
- Fire Blast - Wing Attack - Hyper Beam - Protect - Dragon Claw - Recover - Rock Smash - Earthquake - Hidden Power: Dragon - Slash - Icy Wind - Aeroblast - Twister - Aqua Tail - Dragon Rush - Thunderbolt - Spacial Rend - Brick Break - Roost - Dragon Tail - Dragon Dance - Sunny Day - Shock Wave.
Trait: Inner Focus (will not flinch).
Attached Item: Magic Carapace
Group B (levels 66-67):
Spark (Pidgeot, level 66): knows Tackle - Gust - Sand Attack - Swift - Feint Attack
- Quick Attack - Fly - Whirlwind - Wing Attack - Mud-slap - Featherdance - Agility - Steel
Wing - Mirror Move - Hidden Power: Electric - Snore - Rest - Aeroblast - Detect - Roost - Tail Wind - Air Slash - Razor Wind - Aerial Ace.
Trait: Keen Eye (opponent cannot lower accuracy).
Attached Item: Pokemon Collar
Water Angel (Kingdra, level 66): knows Bubble - Aurora Beam - Smokescreen
- Toxic - Leer - Hidden Power: Dragon - Water Gun - Twister - Blizzard
- Agility - Surf - Hydro Pump - Headbutt - Dragon Dance - Water Pulse - Octazooka - Rain Dance - Icy Wind - Ice Beam - Endure - Hail - Focus Energy - Brine - Dragon Pulse - Yawn - Splash - Bubblebeam - Outrage.
Trait: Swift Swim (when rainy, Speed doubles).
Attached Item: Beach Ball
Tsunami (Vaporeon, level 67): knows Tackle - Tail Whip - Helping Hand - Sand Attack - Surf
- Growl - Water Gun - Shadow Ball - Quick Attack - Bite - Iron Tail - Focus
Energy - Baton Pass - Aurora Beam - Hyper Beam - Take Down - Haze - Acid
Armor - Mist - Body Slam - Hydro Pump - Slash - Recover - Icy Wind - Ice Beam - Dig - Hidden Power: Flying - Curse - Charm - Mimic - Trump Card - Aqua Ring - Mud-slap - Muddy Water - Last Resort. Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to 1/4 maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves).
Attached Item: Mystic Water
Group C (levels 58-60):
(Charizard, level 60): knows Scratch - Growl - Bite - Ember - Strength
- Smokescreen - Leer - Rage - Fire Blast - Hidden Power: Steel - Scary
Face - Flamethrower - Dragonbreath - Wing Attack - Slash - Earthquake -
Dragon Rage - Rock Slide - Dragon Claw - Flame Wheel - Aeroblast - Rock Smash - Fire Fang - Shadow Claw - Air Slash - Seismic Toss - Dizzy Punch - Mega Kick - Fire Pledge - Flame Burst - Double Team - Roost.
Trait: Blaze (when HP is below 1/3rd, Fire's power increases to 1.5 times).
Attached Item: Matches
(Venusaur, level 60): knows Tackle - Growl - Leech Seed - Vine Whip - Headbutt
- Sleep Powder - Poisonpowder - Razor Leaf - Fury Cutter - Body Slam -
Hidden Power: Water - Growth - Synthesis - Giga Drain - Spikes - Solarbeam - Sludge Bomb - Sunny Day - Curse - Magical Leaf - Petal Dance - Earthquake - Facade - Take Down - Double-edge - Worry Seed - Seed Bomb - Grasswhistle - Grass Pledge - Rock Climb - Sweet Scent - Petal Blizzard - Swords Dance.
Trait: Overgrow (when HP is below 1/3rd, Grass's power increases to 1.5 times).
Attached Item: 4 Leaf Clover
Ventura (Venomoth, level 58): knows Tackle - Disable - Foresight - Silver Wind
- Supersonic - Giga Drain - Confusion - Poisonpowder - Psychic - Leech
Life - Stun Spore - Teleport - Gust - Morning Sun - Psybeam - Sleep Powder
- Mimic - Hidden Power: Poison - Signal Beam - Solarbeam - Sunny Day - Psywave - Luster Purge - Zen Headbutt - Poison Fang.
Trait: Shield Dust (opponent's moves do not have side effects on her).
Attached Item: Magical Glass Koffing Sculpture
Caledor (Espeon, level 60): knows Thundershock - Thunder Wave -
Thunderbolt - Thunder - Zap Cannon - Shock Wave - Thunder Fang - Water Gun - Hydro Pump - Bubblebeam - Rain Dance
- Surf - Whirlpool - Waterfall - Water Pulse - Dive - Aqua Ring - Ember - Fire Spin - Flamethrower - Fire
Blast - Sunny Day - Overheat - Fire Fang - Confusion - Dream Eater - Psybeam - Psychic - Reflect
- Rest - Calm Mind - Skill Swap - Future Sight - Tail Whip - Bite - Pursuit - Feint Attack - Taunt - Torment - Snatch - Repeat - Charm - Hidden Power: Rock - Slash - Psycho Boost - Tackle - Detect - Mind Reader - Morning Sun - Heart Swap - Crunch - Power Swap - Assurance - Discharge - Lava Plume - Kinesis - Flare Blitz - Muddy Water -
Growl - Helping Hand - Sand Attack - Baby-Doll Eyes - Swift - Quick Attack - Refresh - Covet - Take Down - Baton Pass - Double-Edge - Last Resort - Trump Card - Aurora Beam - Acid Armor - Haze - Double Kick - Pin Missile - Agility - Scary Face - Smog - Psych Up - Confuse Ray - Screech - Moonlight - Mean Look - Guard Swap - Dazzling Gleam.
Trait: Synchronize (when he becomes Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burnt, so does the opponent).
Attached Item: Status Die
Group D (level 49):
Iael (Stantler): knows Disable - Tackle - Leer - Earthquake - Astonish - Hypnosis
- Headbutt - Stomp - Sand Attack - Psychic - Hidden Power: Flying - Take Down - Night Shade - Thunderbolt - Crunch - Detect - Psywave - Swift - Calm Mind - Role Play - Zen Headbutt - Imprison - Jump Kick - Recover - Confuse Ray - Captivate.
Trait: Intimidate (upon entering battle, the opponent's Attack lowers one stage).
Attached Item: Pokemon Collar
Group E (level 11):
Pulse (Porygon): knows Conversion - Conversion 2 - Tackle - Agility - Sharpen - Psybeam - Psychic - Hidden Power: Electric - Aerial Ace.
Trait: Download (upon entering battle, either Attack or Special Attack rises one stage, depending on whether the opponent's Defense or Special Defense is lower).
Attached Item: Eviolite
Items in reserve: Sacred Ashes, Electric/Ground Double Shield.
Thanks, Amy, for the beautiful picture of Caledor!
2924 | From: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: Oct
2000 | IP: Logged |